“He’s afraid about what might happen to it, what with the dead coming back to life
crushed because something bad happen to Him, but this
If you happen to live in a housing situation that promotes
"What will happen to them?"
What do you think will happen to Dan?’
‘I wonder what will happen to the garage business … he employs half a dozen people … and then there’s his house
same happen to them? I could not bear it and so I will run away
The Haadij was saying the same thing would happen to them here
At a moment, he advises us: “When bad things happen to you, instead of thinking ''I am unhappy'', you had better think ''There is unhappiness in the world''
That's wrong: Human beings are evil by nature and they like causing pain to those who happen to be weaker
Normally if anyone had this happen to them it would be reported and the Council would make everyone produce a backup and go over those backups looking for control of the scene Bahkmar had experienced
And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat
Son thought about his family and what would happen to them when the
Rocket: If you see a rocket flying in the air, something very pleasant will happen to you soon
X-rays: If you dream of having an X-ray, something very strange will happen to you
happening whether we happen to be there or not
He summed up his fear like this; if I love them too will the same happen to them? I could not bear it and so I will run away
I wonder what will happen to us
If something should happen to me …
They stayed strong, but when your first born is a flat out crazy person and no one seems to know what to do, who do you rely on? They both had different ideas of what was going to happen to me when we got back home and the real fear was me not getting back
I don't remember anything and my parents happen to not either
Queenie put his mind at ease by promising that nothing would happen to any of them
She didn't know how this could happen to someone, especially one of her own students
Am I really stupid? Am I truly unfit for the great office I hold? This is the worst thing that could happen to me
This is what can happen to
And what about the villages, established settlements for hundreds of years, what would happen to all the people?'
On the one hand, I was terrified that something dreadful might happen to you, and I’d be the last one to find out … I used to have nightmares about that
I'll never let it happen to me
I happen to know how he was trained, and it was
Among the worse of what could happen toward an
Things that happen to you do not really determine
What would happen to whatever was in this OS when she did make it back? Could it spawn a copy over there, might she still be here even if she went back? Then an even more alarming thought struck her
I remember that one of our number didn’t have a clue how she had become pregnant in the first place let alone what was going to happen to her during birth
Dawn’s dad remembered it very clearly … another example of Bunty’s charisma in action, I wonder? Anyway, the opposition was led by a Mr Gosford whom I happen to know proposed to Bunty in an attempt to get his hands on her property
For something like that to happen to you is a safer bet
As the defenders feared that it would really happen to them, they waged a desperate resistance
“So how did you happen to get such a nice place?”
vomit, something I thought could never happen to the nightly Tavern patron
Ava paused a bit, “What I think is most likely, is something a lot like this: A guy who would be standing by on the boat crew that night is saying to one his of friends, ‘you know, a lot of good things could happen to me if just one drop of this was to fall into Teshi’s glass at Hargor’s party next week while I was on duty
Tom wondered what would happen to a failed agent whose
… a sort of fairy tale thing … doesn’t happen to real people … but it’s happening to me … there, I said it
“I just happen to have two tickets for seats at Wrigley on Sunday
That meant that something could happen to him
The worst thing that could happen to
“He is the best man who, when making his plans, fears and reflects on everything that can happen to him, but in the moment of action is bold
What would happen to him if she didn’t go and save her?
We’re all worried about what could happen to you
'All I'm saying is, the bad things that happen to people
aren’t necessarily the worst that can happen to them
‘You know what will happen to you if something goes
I hate to break it to you, but the one common denominator in all these weird things happening in Trouble Valley is that they all happen to you
I promise I won't let anything happen to you
Whatever was going to happen to him was beyond their control
It was the only time all summer, something strange had happen to her
What happen to Saturday, or Friday for that matter? "It can't be Sunday
should happen to fall asleep Mr
dining room…speaking of the staircase, you wouldn’t happen to know of a good
‘What will happen to your family while you’re here?’
The original meeting was one of my typical examples of the crap that happens to me that doesn't seem to happen to other people
that one has a terrible illness, fear that harm is about to happen to oneself or a loved one
It doesn’t seem to say that there is an exception for the ones who don’t like that sort of thing, so then I wondered what would happen to them
She wouldn't let that happen today
If God would take the kingdom from those who had been promised so many promises, because they did not believe, then how much more could it happen to us, who were adopted and grafted in
The wages paid to journeymen and servants of every kind must be such as may enable them, one with another to continue the race of journeymen and servants, according as the increasing, diminishing, or stationary demand of the society, may happen to require
happen to make with their respective superiors
She's very nice, I like her a lot, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her
Well the fourth one was snaffled up at the same over the top price so I waited to see what would happen to the plain old gunmetal one
Tobacco might be cultivated with advantage through the greater part of Europe ; but, in almost every part of Europe, it has become a principal subject of taxation ; and to collect a tax from every different farm in the country where this plant might happen to be cultivated, would be more difficult, it has been supposed, than to levy one upon its importation at the custom-house
It regulates the price of bread according as the prices of wheat may happen to be, from one shilling to twenty shillings the quarter of the money of those times
This institution rendered it sufficiently safe for the tenant, and much more convenient for the landlord, to convert, as they call it, the corn rent, rather at what should happen to be the price of the fiars of each year, than at any certain fixed price
And what will happen to the fabric of the universe if they conceive?"
"That can happen to a human mind?"
“What will happen to them now?” She asked but they weren’t there any more
But when the demand rises beyond what this quantity can supply, when it becomes necessary to raise food on purpose for feeding and fattening hogs, in the same manner as for feeding and fattening other cattle, the price necessarily rises, and becomes proportionably either higher or lower than that of other butcher's meat, according as the nature of the country, and the state of its agriculture, happen to render the feeding of hogs more or less expensive than that of other cattle
I happen to know the Onoskolon’s already eaten five children at the
I happen to know that the daughter of Chryses wasn’t taken until then
Whether the one or the other of those two events may happen to take place, is of very little importance to the real wealth and prosperity of the world, to the real value of the annual produce of the land and labour of mankind
I know that this will never happen to you, Vasy
" He sighed but kept talking, "But tell me, what did happen to Rendrak?"
the way, I happen to play the guitar
I happen to know she loathes the prisoner
The same act of parliament which suppressed ten and five shilling bank notes, suppressed likewise this optional clause, and thereby restored the exchange between England and Scotland to its natural rate, or to what the course of trade and remittances might happen to make it
One sees that such thing did not happen to him
and nothing unpleasant will happen to them
If those two or three distinct foreign trades should happen to be carried on by two or three distinct merchants, of whom the second buys the goods imported by the first, and the third buys those imported by the second, in order to export them again, each merchant, indeed, will, in this case, receive the returns of his own capital more quickly ; but the final returns of the whole capital employed in the trade will be just as slow as ever
Would you happen to know whereabouts inside said imposing fortress just over yonder?”
Looking even more ashamed, Hesper told Nerissa exactly what would happen to her if
The seat of such manufactures, as they are generally introduced by the scheme and project of a few individuals, is sometimes established in a maritime city, and sometimes in an inland town, according as their interest, judgment, or caprice, happen to determine
happen to Israel (Deut 28:15) in this lifetime and then say nothing of the eternal
2:6) of what wil happen to the unsaved
such detail of what would happen to them in
precisely what would happen to those who foolishly reject the gospel
unfortunate news of what would ultimately happen to those who reject the
When the profits of trade happen to be greater than ordinary over-trading becomes a general error, both among great and small dealers
It's not a coincidence that they always happen to know where and when to be lately
He can know better the character and situation of the persons whom he trusts; and if he should happen to be deceived, he knows better the laws of the country from which he must seek redress
God, I don't even want to think about what will happen to Roycen's two kids now
How could I let the same things happen to her?”
And his mother – she adored his father; what would happen to her if the old man died? Oh God, no – don’t even think that
This double encouragement must they imagine, in a long period of years, occasion such an increase in the production of corn, as may lower its price in the home market, much more than the bounty can raise it in the actual state which tillage may, at the end of that period, happen to be in